Sunday, December 13, 2015



      The climate change summit this year, otherwise known as the Conference of Parties or COP21 that ended yesterday, was known to be a ground breaking conference with an enactment and commitment to put words into action immediately.
       Almost 200 countries' leaders were present at the summit. After two weeks of discussions, key points were written in a deal that commits all countries to cut emissions into the year 2020.

       These are the  measures in the agreement:
• To peak greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and achieve a balance between sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century
• To keep global temperature increase "well below" 2C (3.6F) and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5C
• To review progress every five years
• $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries by 2020, with a commitment 
to further finance in the future.

     What can we do to help? We can begin or continue to develop healthy climate-friendly-habits to reduce emissions. We may also register for a newsletter to get more information or search ways on helping in our communities.

    In the meantime, our hope is that all countries will abide by this new agreement to help our earth.

R. Aguilar


  1. El uso masivo de energías sucias y contaminantes como petróleo, carbón y otros gases de efecto invernadero , está provocando que el clima este cambiando y el globo se caliente y afecte a todo el planeta y amenace la vida de personas.
    Si nosotros hemos provocado el problema, nosotros debemos solucionarlo utilizando energías renovables mas limpias y eficientes.
    Un saludo

  2. El uso masivo de energías sucias y contaminantes como petróleo, carbón y otros gases de efecto invernadero , está provocando que el clima este cambiando y el globo se caliente y afecte a todo el planeta y amenace la vida de personas.
    Si nosotros hemos provocado el problema, nosotros debemos solucionarlo utilizando energías renovables mas limpias y eficientes.
    Un saludo

  3. I actually believe that climate change and global warming is what caused this winter time abomination. It is not cold. It is not chilly. I think it is due to all of the things we do as a whole in order for the world to be so polluted.

  4. Hello Grace. I too believe that this disastrous weather is caused by all the harm we are doing to our planet. The weather patterns seem to be getting worse. I do have hopes that as we are doing our part to cut emissions, the weather will stabilize. I hope that Houston's weather reverts back to what we know and love. Ms A.

  5. Before we talked about climate change in class I had no idea what was going on. I didn't even know that climate change was a growing problem. I know that in the future the world that we live in now will not be the same. I believe it is up to the millennium generation to do all we can in order to fix this ongoing problem. I actually talked to a few people about it and learned that they knew of the problem and thought nothing of it. They strongly believed it was a hoax. I spent a good hour trying to prove it wasn't, that is was a very real problem that is being neglected by our peers. Even if it was a hoax, I don't see the problem in helping to preserve our and preventing this so called "hoax" from being a reality.
