Friday, August 7, 2015

Earth Overshoot Day: August 13, 2015

Were you ever given some money that should have lasted for a month, but spent it in 2 weeks?

Have you ever bought some snacks or food items that were supposed to last you a week, but instead were consumed in a couple of days?

Suppose food in the world was consumed in less time that it takes to plant and grow more.

Could that even be possible?

Earth Overshoot Day is August 13, 2015 and the day when humans have spent all the natural resources that are supposed to be used for a year, not 8 months. After that day, we are using resources that are meant for future generations. 
The reality is that every year, we are consuming our natural resources, such as water, at a faster rate than the previous year. 

What can you do?

Begin now by using less of what you really need. 

Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Use glass instead of plastic. 
Filter your own water.

Live Simply.

And, tell everyone you know to begin using resources wisely.


Read more about Earth Overshoot Day here.

Here are more ways we can help conserve natural resources:

R. Aguilar