Sunday, December 8, 2013

Think green for the holidays...

Today and everyday, while looking for holiday gifts, or any other type of presents, think about getting something that will not add to the burden of harming our earth.

Give a plant, clothing that has been made with recyclable products, or give a donation in someone's name to help sustain and maintain the earth.

For our part, let's consume less by making our world a better place to live; for now and the future.

Below is a video from Jose Pepe Murcia from Uruguay, addressing the UN about our sustainability and environment. He is just one of many people trying to guide us in making better choices to protect our earth.

The full discourse can be seen on YouTube, in both English and Spanish, with the links provided at the end of this post.

This is the link to the video below.

Full video discourse with English translations:

Full video discourse in Spanish:

Raquel Aguilar

1 comment:

  1. This morning I walked to my farm, as every morning and every afternoon. And as I did so, I heared the dogs barking and saw the birds flying free and playing sweetly as they "fighted" through their day. My steps over dried dead leaves cracked fallen acorns along the ancient path that leads from my night sleep to the magical rebirth of every day life.
    The explotion of colours designed by the sun lifted shadows and mist. Mother Earth cried once more for rain as She begged for compation and racionality. She thanked me for my daily walk.
